Japan Talks

Professional Talks about Japanese Culture, Food, and Daily Life by PATSY RAYNER


Japan Talks - List of Talks

Images of Japan | Japanese Food | Daily Life in Japan | Japanese Festivals
Japanese Gardens | Role of Nature in Japan | Other Talks

List of Talks on Japan:

Matsumoto Castle Talk Topic: Images of Japan: Traditional & Modern

This illustrated talk covers many aspects of Japanese life from the traditional –brief history, religion, temples, castles, traditional houses, festivals- to the modern- the bullet train, bustling Tokyo & other modern cities, marriage, sports - plus a brief look at the Japanese garden. Artefacts are brought for display.

Sushu Boat Talk Topic: Why are the Japanese so Healthy? A look at Japanese Food

The Japanese have the highest life expectancy and lowest level of cholesterol in their blood, plus the healthiest children, than any other nation. This illustrated talk explains the part played by their traditional diet, by looking at its basic elements and their individual health benefits. The talk also looks at the reasons for its culinary uniqueness, the beauty of its layout and interesting points in the cultivation of some of its crops. Some samples are brought where supplies are available.

Shrine Talk Topic: Everyday Life in Japan

This illustrated talk covers work & employment, education, housing (including the mysteries of the Japanese toilet!), family life and the role of women, entertainment and relaxation.

fireworks Talk Topic: Famous Japanese Festivals

From traditional summer dancing and gorgeous floats to spectacular kanji bonfires and hillside log-riding, this talk looks into the various religious, cultural and historical aspects of the many large and colorful festivals that take place annually throughout Japan.

Shirakawago Talk Topic: Japanese Horticultural / Garden Related Talks

Books and artefacts are brought for display purposes

Stone Garden Japan Talk Topic: The Japanese Garden: History and Development

This illustrated talk looks at the various elements which make up the traditional Japanese garden & their significance, traces its development from its earliest days to the present day, and uses examples from many of the famous gardens in Japan which I have visited.

kamikochi Talk Topic: The Role of Nature in Japanese Life

Whilst also incorporating a brief overview of the history of the Japanese garden, this talk covers more widely how the natural world influences the everyday life of the Japanese – its festivals, tea ceremony, religion, art, poetry.


Other Talks (Non-Japanese Theme):

wordsworth daffodils Talk Topic: Plants in Literature: Origins & Anecdotes

This illustrated talk looks at the factors which influenced the arrival of plants in this country; tales which grew up around them down the ages and how plants have inspired writers from the 6th century to the present day. Some audience participation is required!


Japan Talks

Popular Talks

  • Traditional vs Modern Japan
  • Japanese Food
  • Everyday Life in Japan
  • Japanese Gardens
  • Japanese Festivals
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Speaker Experience

  • Over 50 talks on Japan annually
  • Visiting Japan 2 times per year since 1999
Speaker Profile

How do I book a Talk?

  • Fill out the online contact form
    (click here)
  • Choose which talk you are interested in
  • I will contact you by phone or email
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